Summer Meal Program

Read, Feed, and Lead!



Summer can be an anxiety-provoking time for 16 million kids across the US who are struggling with hunger at home. The end of every school year means lost access to free and reduced-price lunches that provide regular nutrition to growing bodies. For a child who does not receive regular, healthy meals at home, the summer months may feel extra long.

Again this summer the Gaston County Family YMCA is happy to partner with Gaston County School Nutrition to offer summer feeding locations supported by our Y staff and volunteers. At these locations lunch options are provided for all children in our community 18 years and under.


The Summer Feeding Program runs from June 4 - August 1, excluding the week of July 4, at the following locations:

Holly Hills Apartments - Community Room
June 4th through August 1st
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:30 am-12:30 pm

Flowers Court
June 3 through July 31
Mondays and Wednesdays from 11:30-12:30 pm

View the Summer Menu


Make a Donation

The summer lunch program is possible because of generous donors – like you!  Help the Stowe Family YMCA continue to serve children by making a meaningful donation today!

Make a Donation


Additional Information


We would love your help serving lunch and playing games with children throughout Gaston County!

Sign Up to Volunteer

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